
25 Ağustos 2014 Pazartesi


"For us , there is no court case, we will never talk about this, because we grew up with real evidence, 
our parents and grandparents (?). 
That living evidence of this tragedy are the survivors of genocide. 
I am the son of one of them. 
So, for Armenians, there has never been an issue where we ourselves have to prove this by going to court to 
prove that this genocide happened. 
The question for us is to get a political solution. 
Because the issue is neither historical, nor legal.... 
Turkey has politicized this by pursuing a policy of 
denial at the state level."

Vartan Oskanian

"Genocide, like murder, is a crime, it is a legal matter. 
You can't accuse anyone without any verdict. 
You have to to a court, 
if there is a crime"

Dr.Nilgün Gülcan


The words of Vartan Oskanyan speaks of the reliability of the "genocide fanfare" where the plaintiff is also the court prosecutor, judge and the jury accusing the allged criminal of not accepting the allegations made, without a court, defense or a debate of any sort.... Yes, as Oskanian said, this is a political condemnation, without any legal basis !

US Congressman Adam Schiff, defending, which he worded based on distortions and plain lies, and interviewed by Fox News relative to the reaction of Turkey and the huge strategic consequences, shamelessly spoke that he wants TRUTH to be known, a truth he believes based on grandma stories he heard from his Armenian voters.

But the huge hypocrisy is that the US Congress Representatives , when "assuming the self-appointed to judge" for the history of another nation, so far back in time, location and away from their knowledge, did not deem it necessary to ask the Turkish side, if they wanted to say or document anything and thus forestalled TRUTH from being openly exposed!

The irony is that its hypocrite defenders are killing truth!

Şükrü Server Aya


In the early decades of the Armeian propaganda war , Turkey oftehn chose not to refute the allegations or challenge the figures even when those seemed exaggerated of fabricated. It contented itself by making outright denials that anything had happened or it advanced countercharges that large numbers (or even comparable numbers) of Turks, too, had been killed in the same events.

Silence or unconvincing explanations on the Turkish side strengthened the credence given to the Armenian assertions. It is only in recent years that Turkey has started to make creditable rebuttals, exposing some of the charges as fictitious and some of the figures as swollen.

An enlightening advocacy is now produced by Şükrü Server Aya, who has compiled authoritative evidence extricated from authentic sources. By quoting verbatim from reports, eyewitness accounts,books and articles, etc. by impartial observes, including some Armenian writers, he exposes a great deal of sham, prevarication, distortion, and falsification and reveals much brazenly anti-Turkish prejudice. Many of the excerpts here individually disprove charges and prove that some of them were pure inventions, or fantasy or figments of irresponsible imagination.

Compiling and presenting an anonymous collection of documents such as the contents of "The Genocide of Truth" requires tremendous efforts.

If readers maintain intellectual integrity, the material in this volume will convince them that not all propaganda is truthfull, but much of it is probably (or at least possibly) chimerical. The Aya book sets the record straight in many ways, provides a wealth of objective perspectives, and contributes to the creation of an ambience of balanced judgment and fair play. This collection is an impressively strong document for the rectification of distortions and disinformation.

Prof.Talat S.Halman
First Minister of Culture of the Turkish Republic.

"This entire Armenian genocide claim is as bogus as a three-dollar bill and (they) know it!"

Sam Weems

The Truth