
26 Haziran 2014 Perşembe

9/11 ya da 11 EYLÜL - 3.DÜNYA SAVAŞI

Appearing on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, former Vice President Dick Cheney plainly stated that there are much bigger problems than are going on in Iraq.

Using a recent Rand Corporation poll, Cheney listed all of the other terrorist organizations that are popping up around the globe who are as dangerous as ISIS, if not more, especially those with nuclear capabilities.

There’s been a 58% increase in the number of groups like al Qaeda — Salafi-Jihadists, and it stretches from west Africa all across north Africa, east Africa, through the Middle East all the way around to Indonesia — a doubling of the number of terrorists out there.

I worry about Pakistan. Just a couple of weeks ago, in Pakistan, the Taliban — the same group we just released five of the leaders of from Guantanamo — raided Karachi Airport. Why do I care about that? Well, Pakistan is unique in that it has a significant inventory of nuclear weapons.

During the interview, Cheney stated that he is worried that there will be another 9/11 and that “the next time, it will be with far deadlier weapons than airline tickets and box cutters.”

more to read : INFOWARS ALEX JONES

Andreas von Bülow is a German SPD politician and writer. A former government minister, he has authored books about intelligence agencies, including In the Name of the State. CIA, BND and the criminal machinations of secret services. (German: Im Namen des Staates. CIA, BND und die kriminellen Machenschaften der Geheimdienste.) and The CIA and September 11 (Die CIA und der 11. September).

Eski Alman İstihbarati BND'nin Başkanı ve eski Alman Bakanı Anderas von Bülow'un yazmış olduğu "CİA ve 11 Eylül " adlı kitabı ,kitabında Anderas v.Bülow 11 Eylül olaylarının ve İkiz Kulelerin vurulması işinin CİA ve Moussad merkezli olduğunu yazıyor ve zaten bu kitaptan sonra Andreas Von Bülow'un siyasi hayatı bitmişti.

Watch : LOOSE CHANGE 9/11
11 Eylül Belgeseli  

III. Dünya Savaşı Geldi Çattı




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