
22 Ağustos 2024 Perşembe

Genocide of Turkish Cypriots


"Genocide - the extermination of the Turks of Cyrpus - had begun. The civilezed world, as the Western nations call themselves, does not like that word genocide!.."

(At the Bosnian war author) Sebastian reported what a United States official told him: At all costs they (the Western nations) had to stay away from the word 'genocide' - the g-word. So they called it 'ethnic cleansing' instead. You couldn't say genocide because that would have required them to act under the UN charter. They would have had to do something to prevent it. Genocide was the whole reason the UN was set up in the first place."

... word of the shooting had spread, and gangs of Greek civilians apparently decided it was an official "open season" day for shooting Turks...."

H.S.Gibbons, The Genocide Files, 1997

"Genocide - the extermination of the Turks of Cyprus - had began."

"Genocide in Cyprus erupted in December, 1963, and I was there to see it. It continued until 1974 when, after a bestial feast of slaughter and rapine that shocked th world, the surviving victims gained their own safe haven.
And now the civilised world, in the form of that self-righteous triumvirate, the United Nations, the Europens Union and the United States, intends to breach that safe haven, where there has been peace for 23 years, and let the genocide recommence.
This is the story of the Cyprus genocide."

Harry Scott Gibbons is a journalist. He served in the Middle East, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and the United States and is the author of the book "The Genocide Files", published by Charles Bravos, London, 1997.


"What became known as the Christmas War or, in the Turkish version, Bloody Christmas, was actually the Akritas Plan for genocide. There was bloody slaughter of the Turks and the Greeks also paid a terrible penalty in deaths and injuries when

the Turkish fighters hit back, but the Greeks’ aim, enosis, was not realised."... 

"the Akritas Plan for Genocide, was not known for years"...

"The Greeks of Cyprus had attempted genocide against their fellow citizens, the Turks, and had failed.

11 years later, they tried again."...

"The second genocide attempt, as it was later revealed, was due to begin some time after 10 July 1974, the actual date not specified. Athens was totally involved in this plan as documents captured later were to prove..."

"The bloodshed continued on the island for 11 years after that Christmas,

but the world had now lost interest.

Those 11 years were hell on earth for the Turkish Cypriots."

H.S.Gibbons, Genocide, 2001

Persections, Journal of Int.Affairs, V: VI/3 - link


The Cyprus problem was solved in July 1974, when the Turkish Armed Forces intervened in the vicious civil war that followed a covert Greek invasion and an Athens inspired and led coup that deposed the president. This intervention - which was legal under the terms of the Treaty of Guarantee, which is firmly embedded in the Cyprus Constitution - brought the civil war to an end, overturned the coup and thus forestalled enosis union with Greece , which the coup leaders later said they intended to declare and which was another act specifically forbidden under the Constitution.

(...) "When Makarios, the spearhead of the terrorist organisation EOKA, which had for years murdered Britons, Turks and Greeks alike in its ambition to end Britain’s colonial occupation and unite the island with Greece, signed up to a constitution for the establishment of a new Cyprus republic, he agreed to give up for ever his single-minded quest for enosis." (...) - Gibbons

Turkish Cypriots massacred by the Greek Cypriots ! (video: Gelinciğin Gözyaşları, 2019)


Greek Terrorist EOKA' attacks on British citizens (1955/9),

besides Turkish Cypriots!

Harry Scott Gibbons: From "The Genocide Files"

... While Cyprus was ablaze, Britain had been quietly evacuating British civilians, tourists and residents, and any other tourists who wished to leave, from the 6-Mile-Beach on the east of Kyrenia, on the other side of the town from the Turkish landing force. The aircraft carrier Hermes and three other warships were running a shuttle launch and helicopter service between ships and shore while the fighting was going on a few miles away.

I imagine there was cooperation between Britain and Turkey to avoid the two sides getting tangled with each other. Especially when the helicopters moved west to Kyrenia to pick up 4.000 civilians stranded there.

The Paphos Turks had fought all night, but by Sunday morning they were surrounded. They surrendered and handed over their guns. The Greeks rounded up all the Turkish men, killing some of them in the process. The rest were taken to the soccer stadium, but after a few hours were released. They were rounded up again, herded to a square in the Turkish quarter and kept standing for hours. From them on, they were confined to the Turkish quarter and not allowed to leave, even to visit their wounded in the Greek hospital, without special permits issued by the Natioanl Guard. Heavily armed irregulars of EOKA-B patrolled the streets...  (...)

... On monday, July 22, mobs bombarded the British embassy in Athens, saying Britain was aiding Turkey on Cyprus. 100 Athens police stood by and made no attempt to intervene as mobs smashed windows and threw paint on the embassy walls. They painted slogans, one of them "Pigs sons". They smashed cars outside, including the new Rolls Royce of ambassador Sir Robin Hooper. a Leaglet was distributed - "Englismen, if the Hermes (the British aircraft carrier which had evacuated Britons from the island) does not leave, this will be your grave. Death to the English!" ...

Hermes Sabotage / link: 

"4 March 1956 - Hermes IV G-ALDW operated by Skyways Limited was destroyed on the ground by a time-bomb in the forward freight compartment. The aircraft was at Nicosia Airport, Cyprus when the explosion occurred 20 minutes before the aircraft was due to depart for the United Kingdom with 68 passengers. There were no fatalities." ("Civil Aviation: Hermes Sabotage". Flight. 16 March 1956, p.306. "ASN Aircraft accident Handley Page HP.81 Hermes IV G-ALDW Nicosia". Aviation Safety Network. 26 October 2014. Retrieved 26 October 2014)

Bloody History / link : BBC, 23 November 2009 by Chris Summers 

BBC is misleading the public by saying "a Greek nationalist group, Eoka-B" 
They were a terrorist group!
Don't be afraid to call them terrorists! Because that's what they are!


- Supply from Greece to Terrorist EOKA,

- Grivas was a 'lunatic',

- Blonde Greek-Cypriots are a rare breed...

by Robert Holland

Britain and the Revolt in Cyprus 1954/59

20 July - 14 August 1974

It was Not an Invasion, it was a Rescue Mission, after the Civilian Massacres of Turkish Cypriots! (1963/64/67/74)

The Greek Cypriots claim that the Cyprus problem was caused by the landing of Turkish troops in 1974 and that if only they would withdraw the problem would be solved. This is a serious misconception, for modern Cyprus question began in 1960 and the landing of Turkish troops was the consequence, not the cause of the problem...