
28 Şubat 2017 Salı

Mass Graves of an Alleged Genocide

Armenians allege a genocide dated back to 1915, where a mere one and a half million Armenian were exterminated by the Ottoman Empire, during relocation which took part on mid May to early November in the year 1915.

The alleged extermination period is only 155 days and the total amount of the victims alleged to be one and a half million.

This means every single day 10 thousand Armenians were shot to death, killed, hanged or exterminated or etc.

Human corpse, stacked on top of each other, 3 bodies occupies a volume of one cubic meter. To bury ten thousand corpses in a mass grave would need a pit in the volume of 3 thousand and 333 cubic meters for corpses and a further 3 thousand and 333 cubic meters to cover them with earth for blanketing.

Accordingly a total of 6 thousand and 666 cubic meters needed to be dug every single day from May 1915 to November 1915.

No excavators, dozers, loaders, JCB’s, lorries, tucks or trench diggers were available at the beginning of the Twentieth century, not even a single car was available in the Eastern Anatolia region during those years.

A man power definitely needed  to dig everyday a pit in the volume of 6 thousand and 666 cubic meters or approximately an area in the size of a football field to be dug 2 meters in depth. Every single day an area in the size of a football field needed to be excavated  in 2 meters depth, the corpses laid in and later covered with soil again.

A healthy and young man can excavate only around half cubic meter of a pit using digging tools like a pickax and shovel in one hour working nonstop with a normal effort and a pace. If it is in the size of a football field, starting to dig from the center and dispose the excavated soil to any place outside of the football field, the time needed to excavate half a cubic meter increases to 60 minutes in average.

This means every day a 6 thousand and 666 hours needed to excavate a mass grave and to dispose the soil than a further approximately 3 thousand hours to cover the laid corpses, totaling almost 10 thousand hours of work every day for a period of 5 months, non stop.

Assuming a 6 hours productive work by a healthy man, 1 thousand and 7 hundred man needed every day to dig the pit, lay the corpses and cover them, subject if they can non stop work for 155 days. Normally a job rotation would be needed to proceed in the same pace every day which would increase the amount of people employed to around 2 thousand and 5 hundred.

Of course some guards from the Ottoman army  would also be needed to keep the order and prohibit escapes. This means food for 10 thousand captives and  3 thousand employees, or soldiers every single day, if not the total of the captured Armenians were more than 10 thousand.

I never found a record in the ottoman archives delivery of food, water, tents and other necessary goods to a group people employed to dig mass graves in Eastern Anatolia for 155 days.

After the alleged extermination there should be 150 mass graves in the different locations of Eastern Anatolia in the size of a football field.

I never managed to find these mass graves going through the Ottoman Archives. Never mind 150 of them, till today no body managed to find a single mass grave.

Where are those exterminated Armeian bodies?.

In Bosnia 8 thousand Bosnians were shot to death and their grave yards shifted for 3 times consecutively in order to wipe out the traces but still traced and found.

Why no body couldn’t locate any one of these 150 mass graves?

I also could not find any record of confession of those 3 thousand employees or their backbiting or remorse of any kind. At least one of them should stand up later on say that “We killed Armenians and buried them to this very spot” pointing the mass grave. But these never happened.

Where are the mass graves of the 1.5 million murdered Armenians???

Prof.Dr.Ata ATUN 
(his own web)

"The Ottomans did, in fact, later remove some one million Armenians from behind their military line, and of course, the guerrilla attacks stopped. The proof is that there were more than one million Armenian refugees yet Armenians today murmur and whimper that the horrible Muslim Turks massacred 1.5 million of their Christian forefathers in 1915. This is as massive of a tall tale as that told by the Armenian high priest’s claim of massacre.

The basic question is how could the Turks have murdered a half million more Armenians than who actually lived in eastern Turkey at the time? How can a million Armenians have been refugees and also been murdered at the same time? The Armenian tall tale of 1.5 million of their people being massacred is absurd and the historical evidence proves that the Armenians are not truth tellers! Historical evidence proves that it was the Armenian Christians who massacred far more Muslims in their selfish greed of wanting something for nothing than there were Armenians killed. Perhaps the Armenians have invented their very own system of “new math” that only they use and understand to fleece and deceive the Christian world!

What would have been the United States government’s response had it been subjected to such treason? Based upon the U.S. Army actions in the Civil War, the Indian Wars, and the War of the Philippines — the US government would have acted much like the Ottoman government. The Armenian guerrillas, who didn’t fight in Russian uniforms, as well as the Armenian citizens who supported and helped them, would have been treated as “highway robbers or pirates” just as Native Americans and Filipinos were treated. This is how the American army treated Native Americans and Filipinos — not to mention its treatment of Japanese Americans starting in 1942 during the 5 years of World War II.

Clearly today, neither a single United States state nor the United States Congress has any business or any right to pass meaningless resolutions attacking American’s friend and partner, Turkey. To back and support the bogus Armenian “genocide industry” is to approve of Armenian treason in 1915 as well as approving its acts of terrorism today on its neighbor Azerbaijan.

Consider this fact situation: Mexico attacks the United States and makes steady progress toward Washington, D.C. Native Americans support Mexico and wage hit and run attacks behind the American troops and disrupt United States military supply lines. Does any American really think that the US government would stand back and permit Native Americans to run wild and create problems for the army? Certainly not! Would any American stand back and permit some European country to claim we had committed a genocide when we removed Native Americans from behind our army when they were doing major harm to our soldiers’ defense of the United States of America. Certainly not!

Neither the United States government nor any individual state within the United States has any business sticking its nose into a sovereign nation’s effort to defend its lands. How can any U.S. state or the national government make a judgment call about a disputed action that took place more than 6,000 miles away more than 85 years ago? There is no real American interest to back and support Armenian treason and terrorism. To take sides unfairly, as some 26 U.S. states have done, is to give the Muslim world a good reason to hate Americans.

The sad fact of the matter is the politicians of the United States are taking the word of a gang of Armenian thugs just because they “claim” to be fellow Christians who were unjustly attacked by terrible Muslims. The Armenians are not truth tellers and Americans should learn truth for themselves before giving this unholy people billions of their dollars."

link to read tallarmeniantale

on the other side,
Till 2015, 185 mass graves of Turks...

18.04.2015 / Ermeni Sorunu

Atatürk Üniversitesi Türk-Ermeni İlişkileri Araştırma Merkezi Müdürü Prof. Dr. Erol Kürkçüoğlu, 1986 yılından bu yana yürüttükleri kazı ve arşiv çalışmalarıyla asıl katliama uğrayanların Müslüman Türkler olduğunu belgeleriyle ortaya koyduklarını söyledi. Kürkçüoğlu yaptığı açıklamada, Ermeni sorununun sadece Türk dünyasının bir sorunu olmadığını, Ortadoğu ve Kafkasya’da çıkar ve emelleri olan emperyalist devletlerin hepsini birden ilgilendiren milletlerarası bir problem olduğunu savundu. Ermeniler tarafından yapılan katliamlar nedeniyle Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde çok büyük Müslüman kayıplar olduğunu anlatan Kürkçüoğlu,öldürülenlerin sivil halktan olduğunun altını çizdi. Prof. Dr. Kürkçüoğlu,

“Erzurum’da 50 bin, Van’da 45 bin, Kars’ta 17 bin, Iğdır’da 15 bin, Erzincan’da 13 bin, Diyarbakır’da 12 bin, Muş’ta 10 bin olmak üzere bölgede toplam 519 bin sivil, Ermeni çeteleri tarafından katledilmiş. Bilhassa Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Rusların Bolşevik ihtilaliyle bu bölgeden çekilip ülkelerine dönmeleri neticesinde bu bölgede Ermeni çeteleri, gönüllü Ermeni birlikleri ve bunların başında komutanları var. Ermenilerin o dönemde yaptığı katliamları herkes çok iyi biliyor” diye konuştu. Erzurum Rus İkinci Topçu Alayı Komutanı Yarbay Twerdo Khlebov’un, bölgede Ermeni çetelerinin Müslüman ahaliye yönelik katliamları olduğunu ifade eden telgraflarının bulunduğunu vurgulayan Kürkçüoğlu, kazı çalışmalarında Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu’da 185 toplu mezar tespit ettiklerini söyledi.

* * * 

27 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi

Yes there is a Genocide; Turkish Genocide !..

Who's Genocide? Enough with all your lies...
Yes there is a Genocide; Turkish Genocide !..

But we do not take it to the parliament, because that's not it's place to source for justice. We do not take it to the court also, because we bury our pain, and don't blame the children of the criminals!

"Greek-Canadian Senator Housakos Wants Canadian Government to Recognize Pontian Greek Genocide" 17.02.2017 News

Look in the Mirror Mr.Housakos, maybe you can see Who the Guilty one is! Your accusations are not Historical facts!



7 Şubat 2017 Salı

Two Books: "Love and Death in Cyprus" and "Korean Rose"

HARRY BLACKLEY "Love and Death in Cyprus" and "Korean Rose"

'Love and Death in Cyprus' is a novel by Harry Blackley, about a Turkish Cypriot girl, Leyla Özkara and a Scottish pharmacist, Alexander Forbes, who meet and fall in love on Cyprus in 1957. Based on the real events...

* I was delighted when I learned that author Harry Blackley (Love & Death in Cyprus), told me that he was planning another novel, this time set in Australia and the Korean War, especially the contribution of the Turkish Brigade in that “forgotten war”. Like any good storyteller he has blended fiction with some little known facts.

Korean Rose is a great story that I found hard to put down. Call me sentimental but I found the story of Rose McDonald, the Australian nurse, and Kemal Hasol, the Turkish Lieutenant, really moving. The battle scenes and the conditions endured by medical people are brilliantly portrayed. I think this novel will make people sit up and realize how the Turks fought so bravely along side the Australia and New Zealand contingent in a war as bloody as any in history. In recognition of their courage under fire, I was instrumental in the formation of the Victorian Returned Services League Turkish Sub-Branch. It is with pleasure that I recommend people read Korean Rose. You won’t be disappointed.

Bruce Ruxton AM OBE
President of the Victorian Branch of the RSL 1978-2001

* Rose McDonald, a theatre nurse, joins the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps and volunteers to serve in Korea in October 1950. At the same time, Lieutenant Kemal Hasol arrives in Korea with the 1st Turkish Brigade to fight under the flag of the United Nations. Two people from far away countries and vastly different cultures, but there is an immediate attraction. Their love deepens. Will it survive the separation of war and distance?

A Peace Treaty has never been signed following the armistice in July 1953. Korean Rose will make you laugh and cry and wonder at man’s inhumanity to man. The Korean War was a bloody war with over one million South Korean civilians killed. Over two million UN, South Korean and Communist troops were killed, wounded or reported missing.

All wars end. The dead, wounded and mentally scarred are forgotten. The Generals write their memories. Korean Rose is for those story is never heard.../link

The Autor Harry Blackley PhC BA, born in 1934, Scotland, Blackley graduated as a Pharmacist in 1957. He worked in the National Service Royal Army Medical Corps in Cyprus between 1957-59. He then migrated to Australia in 1965.

* NOTE: 

I've read the "Kıbrıs'ta Aşk ve Ölüm (Love and Death in Cyprus)", haven't read the "Korean Rose", but I looked at the contents:

In the "Korean Rose" book, there is a General Yazici... a real person Tahsin Yazıcı (1892-1970), a soldier and politician. Thanks to the Turkish troops, the 8th USA army and other forces of the United Nations, are rescued in the Battle of Kunuri - Korea . Our losses was 734 ... It was not our fight... After the Korean War we became a member of the NATO! - SB

Turks in the Korean War: (in Turkish with photos)


EOKA Atrocities to British Citizens: 1955-1959, besides Turkish Cypriots


The destruction of Skyways' Hermes G-ALDW at Nicosia Airport on March 4th was later found to have been caused by a time-bomb placed in the luggage compartment. The explosion occurred 20 minutes before the aircraft was due to depart for the United Kingdom with 68 passengers, mostly Service personnel. The flight was one of twelve per month operated by Skyways between the United Kingdom and Cyprus under a Government trooping contract. The company also operates through Nicosia to the Far East, together with Airwork. These services are being re-routed via Beirut to avoid night stops in Cyprus, although services terminating there are continuing as usual. .../link  / link

A memorial to the 371 British servicemen killed in Cyprus in the 1950s /2009 press link

The memorial, at the British Cemetery in Kyrenia, northern Cyprus, bears the names of every soldier, sailor and airman who died during the Cyprus Emergency, as it was known, which lasted from 1955 to 1959, and involved a series of terrorist attacks by EOKA (the Greek acronym for National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters). 

Can Cyprus overcome its bloody history? / 2009 press link
Several civilians were also killed, including Catherine Cutliffe and her daughter Margaret who were shot while buying a wedding dress in Famagusta, although Eoka denied responsibility for that attack. (*) 

(*) But, it was done by EOKA terrorists. - SB

"EOKA gets his supply from GREECE.... There were several explosions at Police installations in Nicosia and Kyrenia. On 21 June the front of the Divisional Police Headquarters in Ataturk Square was blown in, injuring five persons and killing one; this brought EOKA violence into the Turkish quarter of the city for the first time... 

...Terror, ofcourse, never strikes quite when or where it is expected. Surprise is its biggest attribute. Grivas issued instructions for a staggered build-up of incidents towards 1 October, and only progressive acceleration thereafter. It was in line with EOKA's history as an organization essentially aimed at the British that Turks were explicitly ruled out as targets. Two soldiers were gravely wounded by one of the mines which EOKA was now adept at manufacturing. Then on 3 October there occured an inciednt which imprinted itself on expatriate minds more than any other in the whole course of the Emergency. That morning an english woman, Mrs Margaret Cutliffe and her daughter Catherine, went shopping in Famagusta for Catherine's wedding dress. Miss Cutliffe recalled at the inquest that as they entered Hermes Street from Edward VII Avenue (the names themselves convey the different worlds the island straddled), her mother had commented on the "peculiar atmosphere" in the town, and the number of people waiting on street corners. They had met a female friend (a German lady married to an English resident) before disappearing into a shop. After browsing Catherine led the way out, heard a commotion, and looked round to see the wto older women fall to the ground. Mrs Cutliffe died instantly from gunfire; the friend was scriously wounded. A man was nearby with a pistol on the recoil. After firing a single shot at the daughter, he ran off. Vatherine also had the recollection of a Greek passer-by observing, with a grin, the dreadful scene.

Amongst the victims of terror, truth is not the least significant. Was it a grin or a grimace that this unidentified witness wore on their face? Who could tell one from the other? Yet the remembrance fixed in most British eyes a general comlicity in the crime on the part of the Greeks of Famagusta. Similarly, the reference to a "peculiar atmosphere" in the town underpinned an assumption that on that Friday morning, in the words of the Times of Cyprus (10 Oct.1958), 'everyone knew something momentous was going to happen'. But as that newspaper also pointed out, the peculiar atmosphere really stemmed from the Macmillan Plan itself. Nor would ordinary citizens be milling about if they had known such a crime was imminent. The Mayor of Nicosia issued a statement taht 'nobody but a lunatic' might suppose EOKA would hand the British such a propaganda coup as the murder of a defenceless woman. Indeed, there is the further twist that Catherine Cutliffe remembered the killer as having blonde hair. Blonde Greek-Cypriots are a rare breed. This led to the supposition on the Greek side that Mrs Cutliffe had been killed bu some other nationality, as an agent provovateur, or as a crime of passion. Some months later Foreign Minister Averoff was to assure Selwyn Lloyd that his Government had solid evidence that the culprit had not, indeed, been Greek.This is hardly convincing on its own, though his persistence on the point is interesting. Grivas was a 'lunatic' for violence, and he had killed enough people not to draw the line at a middle-aged English lady. Yet the Cutliffe killing both symbolized and intensified the wedge driven between Greek and British feelings in Cyprus... " (page 286)

book: Robert Holland - Britain and the Revolt in Cyprus,1954-1959 

EOKA killed his own "Greek Cypriot" citizens to! The terrorist organisation EOKA was headed by Georgios Grivas, but the orders were given by archbishop Makarios III.

Greek Cypriot researcher and filmmaker Antonis Angastiniotis (docu of Missing Bus-Cyprus) reported to the Greek Cypriot English-language daily Cyprus Mail on Nov. 4, 2004 that: “All Turkish Cypriots know what happened in the villages of Aloa (Atlılar),Maratha (Muratağa) and Sandalari (Sandallar). It is the Greek Cypriots who do not. ... The Greek Cypriots of the neighboring villages, along with army personnel, attacked these villages. They shot the children, the mothers and any old people left in the villages.… For me this became a nightmare because all these years I had been convinced that everything we had done was right.” / link

We must read to know the past...

Kore Cephesinde bulunmuş askerlerimiz, Dr. Fazıl Küçük ile Rauf Denktaş'tan 
isimsiz kahramanlara....