
4 Ekim 2022 Salı

İnsanlık nereye gidiyor?


"İnsanlar hacklenebilen hayvandır" diyen WEF (Dünya Ekonomi Forumu) danışmanı Harari (Humans are now hackable animals), 

"Hiçbir şey güçten daha afrodizyak değildir... Petrolü kontrol edersen ülkeleri, gıdayı kontrol edersen halkı kontrol edersin" diyen Kissinger (1974) ve

"Hiçbir şeye sahip olmayacaksınız ve mutlu olacaksınız" diyen Kissinger'ın öğrencisi WEF kurucusu Schwab...

“They own everything….They got you by the balls.”

George Carlin


* The Big Reset Movie (video) Truth of the "Pandemic", by İnicio İngles

* Uninformed Consent (video), Written & Directed by Todd Harris, Matador Films.(or link)

* Covid War Crimes: A United Nations Bio-Weapon by Dr. Fleming (video)

* Dr. Paul Alexander "This is bioweapon" (video), (or link) (or link)

* Dr. Zelenko (video)

* Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Paul Alexander (video)

* Mind Control Neuroweapon In The Vaxx: Hidden Document Exposes Jab Can React To 5G Towers (video)

5G Apocalypse - The Extinction Event (video), A Full-Length Documentary by Sacha Stone

The Age Of Transitions - Eugenics, Transhumanism, Post-Humanism (video). The Age Of Transitions Is A Documentary About Converging Technology, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, Life Extension, Brain Implants, Social Science, Propaganda, Nanotechnology, Eugenics, Geopolitics, World Revolution, And More.

* Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, Jun 27, 2022 Texas Senate HHS Testimony (video)

* Dr.Naomi Wolf: The American Medical Association Lied To Pregnant Women About The Covid Vaccine's Effect on Them and Their Baby (video)

* Dr. Byram Bridle, leading viral immunologist and vaccinologist on COVID-19 vaccines (video)

* Dr. Geert van den Boosche and Dr. Paul Alexander "Do not jab your children with these C-19 V !" (video)

* Financial System - Lawless Criminal Control Syndicate – Catherine Austin Fitts (video)

* Dr. Jane Ruby: Jabbed Are Now A New Human Species: Homo Borg Genesis (video)

** VAXXED: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe (video)

** VAXXED II: The People's Truth (video) (or link)

Adverse Events of Pfizer ! (pdf) ! 9 pages !

9 sayfa yan etki mi? Hem de hayatını riske atan, ölümcül olan!

Dr. Eli David (Link)

Önemli linkler:

Dr. Korry - FLCCC

The Epoch Times

Biyolojik Laboratuvarlar


by Joel O. Almosara (2010) - PDF

* Great Game İndia

* Renz Law

The Defender / Kennedy

VigiAccess (Avrupa yan etki takip)


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